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Orbs are often seen in conjunction with Bigfoot sightings. Why?


Sasquatch Chronicles:

Episode 732: Physical Affects and Symptoms

Second Interview – Injuries from Lights in Sky

Episode 723: The Strange Light Phenomenon

Master of capturing oddities on camera…


Orb Theories:

Orbs are UFOs…

Orbs are the spirits of the Bigfoot Creatures…

Orbs are drones for Aliens, Fallen Angels, and/or Bigfoot…


In Expedition Bigfoot (Travel Channel) the team witnesses an Orb above the tree-line, Season One, Episode Six. Once the Bigfoot disappeared, the Orb vanished. A means of communication for a Bigfoot Creature? A means of transportation? Portal entry perhaps?

So if Bigfoot is just a wood-ape, then why the Orbs? Perhaps, Bigfoot is a worker-bee for a higher power?

Survivor Man, Les Stroud tells Sasquatch Chronicles about Orb activity that was directly related to his Bigfoot encounter:

Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode 500: Les Stroud


Orbs; Image by Dirk Wohlrabe from Pixabay.

Orbs; Image by Dirk Wohlrabe from Pixabay.

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