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Genesis 6: Birth of the Nephilim
Blurry Creatures/Giants on Record – Evidence Eruption
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No, Bigfoot is not “the” Nephilim, at least we don’t think so, based on what we know about what “the” Nephilim are, but in this Category, we are saying that this theory is about Bigfoot being eventual kin of the Nephilim. It is possible to us that similiar scullgugery were used.
If there had been no Nephilim, we doubt there would be Bigfoot People. – Bigfoot Eruption 2018
Bigfoot Eruption 2023 – Ok we changed our mind on that, as we have learned that there are many hypotheses as to what Bigfoot people are. However, in 2018 the Nephilim strategy/connection was groundbreaking for us. The potential of it. It would explain much.
But that is our hypothesis/theory. What’s yours?
However, on another page we have said that the Fallen Angels created Nephilim before and after the Flood, so why not keep doing it now? That is scary.
“The” Nephilim looked like demi-gods and were rulers. Not exactly a Bigfoot Culture, but the Bigfoot aspect would come later in this Timeline. They were evil taskmasters however, the Nephilim.
However, if a Fallen Angels pro-created with an animal, instead of a human, then that would make the offspring a Nephilim, that was even more of a Bigfoot sort of Creature. A hybrid. Now you’re talking about the times of Good Enoch, Pre-Flood. No wonder the flood was needed, to cleanse the Earth of all things tainted by the Fallen Angels and the Nephilim. AKA, not human. Yes, this activity also continued after the Flood.
Then Nephilim, and Giants, were making the gene pool unclean for all Creatures, so why couldn’t a hybrid resembling various Bigfoot, be the case?
See more:
The Confessionals Podcast, Episode 4: Nephilim – Now and Then
605: Unmasking Demons and Giants — The Confessionals (
SC EP:1010 The Giant Wars – Sasquatch Chronicles
Sasquatch Podcast Library (Nephilim) – Bigfoot Eruption
In the movie “300” there is a god-like ruler, that is evil and perverse, and got his way by promising favors of the flesh (pleasures). He was strong and could not be defeated. He also looked very freaky, like a Nephilim.
That god-king was Xerces, in the movie. Notice in Wikipedia that he was in charge of many building projects which is also a Nephilim trait. Note: in the movie the god-king, at one point was bleeding blood, when injured.
A clip from “300” is used in this next link:
You Tube – The Fallen Angels and the Nephilim
This video shared details about the Nephilim, that you may not have heard before. It is only seven minutes…
We have more than one source that says that the Nephilim were mortal, because they were, and when they died, some records say, they were not allowed to go to Heaven or Hell, because they were created from a blasphemed act, Fallen Angels having offspring with the line of Cain; hating God, and wanting to be creator’s, like God, while tainting the bloodline that God had intended.
Perry Stone:
The Mystery of Giants, Fallen Angels, and Evil Spirits (part one)
The Mystery of Giants, Fallen Angels, and Evil Spirits (part two)
The Mystery of Giants, Fallen Angels, and Evil Spirits (part three)
The Mystery of Giants, Fallen Angels, and Evil Spirits (part four)
This next episode discusses Nephilim, and much more, near the end of the episode.
Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode 616: I Chased This Creature Across A Walnut Orchard
OK, let’s learn about Giants:
Perry Stone on Giants and DNA Manipulation
Perry Stone Speaking on Nephilim Giants
Fallen Angels, Giants, Evil Spirits by Perry Stone.
Perry Stone: The Origins of Fallen Angels, Giants, and Evil Spirits
Bigfoot Terror in the Woods, Episode 40; Ancient Tribes of Giants…
Blurry Creatures Podcast, EP 60: Giants in America with Adam Stokes

Giant Heads; Image by M W from Pixabay
Remember, our Genesis 6 page has references for interviews that touch on all of this, by Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy.
Note: since creating this page we have learned a theory in which Nephilim, gave up on procreating with humans, and turned to conceiving with beasts. In this case, a Bigfoot could be even closer related to a direct Nephilim relation, and would explain the unusual super powers, like great size, strength, infra sound, and more.