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Thanks to Timothy Alberino and Blurry Creatures, we feel we have been officially schooled on what Aliens are. Take a listen, and your mind may also be changed:
Blurry Creatures, Episode 49: Aliens & Angels with Timothy Alberino
Jim Caviezel – Defining Aliens – Defining Angels – Defining Demons
Even we have been known to say that Aliens are Demonic. Now we have to rephrase that.
Demons are on Earth, possessing when they can, to live out fleshly desires, but by needing a host. They are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim/Ancient Giants, as stated in the Book of Enoch.
So Demons are not possessing Aliens?
So Demons are not Aliens?
An Alien is anything that was not created on Earth. This means that even Angels are technically Alien. You have to hear the above Podcast!
Do Aliens have evil intent that is in-line with the goals of the Satanic Culture?
Are the Fallen Angels the Aliens? But they are in Hell, right? Imprisoned?
Ok, we still have some learning that is needed.
If Aliens are real, then did Jesus have to die for them too? Tim Alberino gives a great answer to this in the above Podcast. Also, you can get his new book on this topic:

Aliens; Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay.
Aliens; Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay.