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Science Fiction, right? Of course it is! How about Science-non-fiction, which may actually be more accurate.
Some Bigfoot Witness’ experience Mind Speak.
Sasquatch Syndicate – Mind Speak
We put this in the Alien section, because of the idea that during Alien abductions the Alien (Alien, Fallen Angel, Demon, Nephilim?) usually talks to the witness with Mindspeak, according to Witness accounts.
This also happens to Bigfoot witnesses which is attested to in this Podcast:
Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode 500: Survivor-man Les Stroud
Without giving away too much, the Witness feels that the Bigfoot Creature or Creatures are talking to him in his mind. They are offering him an invitation.
Much later, he returns to the same area to summon up a similar conversation, what happens is not what he expected.
Proof that all things Bigfoot only happens on their terms.

Parchment; Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.