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A famous Bigfoot researcher was on a Podcast recently and shared an astonishing part of the Bigfoot puzzle. It wasn’t as much what he said, but what he didn’t say.
We hesitate to link to that Podcast because it seemed so sensitive, however all credit goes to those parties involved in the Podcast Episode.
Paranormal Heart, Episode 30: William Jevning (Tune In)
The Host/Hostess asked what the guest thought of encounters where the Bigfoot Creature seems to simply vanish.
The guest contemplated carefully, and responded, “Bigfoot is a flesh and blood creature. What you are describing is something else.” We are paraphrasing.
That was all he could say because he had to protect his high level sources.
In the past this guest has not been very Woo, about Bigfoot. So what is Woo? The paranormal aspects/beliefs about Bigfoot. So this evidently includes the religious (Fallen Angels, Demons, Nephilim), so then how about Alien tech, therefore. So include government tech which is probably influenced by Alien tech (Seven Sacred Sciences on steroids). See our page about this:
So, how about a hologram program. Why? Because this helps with deceiving humans about Bigfoot. Just a guess.
The answer given by this guest, actually tells a us a lot.
Please share your thoughts on what this could mean. We will post your thought, and give credit to you with full name, partial name, fake name, or no name. Thank you.

Horror; Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.