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Humans are apes, technically. It is a large family.
So, let’s call the Apes, Gorillas, to differentiate this kind of “Ape.” Gorillas, or Apes, have 98% the same DNA as we humans, and why not. For we that believe in Creation, God has control of the cookbook. Also, we are patterned after the angels, not monkeys.
Blurry Creatures Podcast, Episode 49: Aliens & Angels with Timothy Alberino
So, when an Aper mentions this 98% don’t let it bother you.
Aper Defined: someone who believes that Bigfoot creatures are apes, and not a hybrid, nor a spiritual being.
A Hollywood Actor/Director turned Christian, mentioned Bigfoot being on the Ark. This reference is near the end of this episode:
The Confessionals Podcast, Episode 420: Hollywood Elites Seance
In our learning we are learning of the high probability of the hybrid solution to Bigfoot, but what if Bigfoot is not a hybrid, nor part of the Evolutionary Tree, but just a member of the Ape Family?
Any animal that was a hybrid, died in the Great Flood, at least that was the intent, so Sasquatch allowed on the Ark? A good discussion for another page…
Bigfoot, if you are an Ape, then welcome to the Ape category. You are a pretty smart ape, that sometimes looks human, has a language, has human feet with a mid-tarsel break added for convenience, disappears rather easily, and sometimes acts paranormal.
We suppose if God wanted a special sort of Ape like this, then OK.
For comparison see our page called:
The “Bigfoot Only in Heaven” Theory
We mention this for comparison because it shows an example of God specifically creating Bigfoot-like creatures.
What if Fallen angels designed Bigfoot creatures/hybrids? What if God created his original version and allowed it on the Ark? What if some creatures in Heaven, that look like Bigfoot creatures, ready to fight the evil, for God? This would be a reason that Satan would want his own “creation” hybrid of this on Earth. What if all three scenarios are true? All these ideas have been suggested, by very smart people. What about an Evolution Bigfoot? How about when we get to heaven, we ask God? We can’t speak too highly of the Evolution idea as it is a perfect deception, to further discredit, or eliminate God, which is something Science strives to do, to eliminate God. Thus, the phrase “Doth Protest Too Much.”
We will update when we find a better way to say this.
God and the Bible compliment Science very nicely, but that works against the agenda of those that hate God, which is most of science, and even some of the Church.
We never intend to diss the beliefs of others, but if it is linked to the deception machine called Satan, then game-on.

Apes; image by blende12 | Pixabay.
Apes; image by blende12 | Pixabay.