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Totally Gross…
The female version of Incubus, seducing men, destroying children, creating guilt. A spirit of folklore, but eyewitnesses have seen this spirit. Scary stuff. Referenced in the Apocryphal texts.
Remember, the tools to help fight this sort of thing.
If you go to the Confessionals Podcast, Tony discusses Succubus briefly:
Episode 162: Assaulted by Incubus
Episode 206: Attacks from the Afterlife
Alexander Pagani, Part 1: The Origins of Incubus and Succubus
Forbidden to marry in heaven, but on earth the Fallen Angels rebel, and take form to be sexual assailants.
The teachings we find seem to point to the idea of Demons (Fallen Angels) posing as Incubus and Succubus to sexually torment humankind.
Note: pending research on origins of Demons, but many sources point to Demons being the Fallen Angels.
So what does this have to do with Bigfoot? We are showing the Big picture of a deceptive force that wants control of the World. So what does Bigfoot have to do with deception? Everything. Wether a Secret Society conspiracy, or something else, we are not being told everything. Great lengths have been taken to hide the secrets of Bigfoot from the common person.
So what do Bigfoot, Demons, Aliens, Incubus, and Succubus, have in common? They all fear the name and power of Jesus Christ. So, we are connecting the dots…
Thanks to this book, we learned more:
Amazon – The Books of Enoch, by Joseph B. Lumpkin
In the timeline section, where the origins of evil are outlined, page 285 – 286, we learn that Lilith, turned so evil that she become a Demon, taking the form (appearance) of Succubus. Whatever you think of Adam loving someone in the Garden, before Eve, let’s think about some things for a minute.
Even if this idea came from a false gospel, just saying, it was written a long time ago, and she is tied to a representation of Succubus, and defined as a sex object to the other demons, a slayer of children, and a sexual torment to men, and thus a source of guilt.
Meaning, this idea of Succubus goes back very far, at least to the date of Authorship for these apocryphal texts. Pending more research…
Demon posing as a character of lore?
In the above You Tube Podcast Pagani talks about even good Christian men having lustful thoughts because of this Succubus idea.
Again, what does this have to do with Bigfoot? Well, besides the accounts portraying Bigfoot as lustful, we are exploring the Big Picture of evil; unwrapping an onion, in which Bigfoot Creatures are part of that plan.
If you go back to our Book of Enoch page, you see this picture develop as beasts and monsters are created from the strategic lust of the Fallen Angels in union with animals. Connecting the dots.
The search for the WHAT and WHY of Bigfoot, continues…

Crocodile Eye; Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay.