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Introducing KirboKyler…

KirboKyler is…

Click this link to see his You Tube Channel, Bigfoot Eruption Gaming…

Currently he has one practice video, a teaching video, logging into Minecraft, with no sound. Oops, to be updated soon.

Note: This is currently a page for the real KirboKyler to practice his web design skills.

The beginning of working with, collaborating with, a young-growing talent.

KylerBigfoot7, 2022; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

KirboKyler is the current You Tube name/pen-name of Bigfoot Eruption’s KylerBigfoot7, when he puts on his You-Tuber hat. We are grateful however that he has decided to call his You Tube Channel, Bigfoot Eruption Gaming. We think he got smart, and decided to ride the Eruption wave. He helps us, as we help him.

The name is a mix: Kyler plus Kirby.

Kirby; image by manuel9z | Pixabay.

Kirby; image by manuel9z | Pixabay.

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