Back to Expedition Bigfoot! the Sasquatch Museum…
Not the fault of this museum, but an unfortunate serious of events…
Showing the importance of viewers sharing pictures when the visit Bigfoot themed locations…
The below was cut out of the main page for this museum, once Sybilla Irwin was nice enough to share pictures from her experience there, which gave that page a second chance.
Our way of letting the incident become separate, from the goodness of the museum.
Below info provided, in hopes that our situation can help others.
We were given a newspaper article, from the Lewiston Tribune, about this museum, and it was also very descriptive. Our thanks to Nancy Howell, Rickreall, Oregon or Mary Kampii, Salem, Oregon.
This article is where we got the picture that got us in trouble with the Associated Press. It turns out that a picture of a picture, is illegal, even if you give credit to the source.
More on that, below…
2022, January – Update: over two years later we were basically “strong-armed by to take the picture off this page and charged us $575. Gee thanks. We took a pic of the pic and then gave credit to the publication, as we tried to play fair. Our Lawyer could only confirm that PicRights was not a scam, and that using our lawyer to fight it would more expensive than the fee/penalty.
Note: $575 is a lot to us at Bigfoot Eruption as we currently take a loss each year, so far, on profit.
Definitely some human DNA in a Bigfoot Creature that looks like this? See photo directly above. Referencing the pic that is no longer there. Yes, we took it out because of the legal problems pertaining to it.
Here is a pic that looks similar and is 100% property of Bigfoot Eruption!!!

Kelso-Longview; Chamber of Commerce, sQuatch Fest, 2021; Photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.
So, you know this museum must have some very cool things.
We deleted an image of a sketch we made of the Museums roadside sign.
Quora – Is it legal to sketch a version of someone else’s image? No? Ok, fine we removed that art also!
Also, twice we have asked permission to use their Facebook pics, or pics they might want to offer, and both times, no response. We are really trying here!! Note: we live clear across the country from this location.
The above sketch was our original Featured Image for this page, now deleted. Hey, this is what we do when we don’t have a photo from us or others, with permission. We draw or paint it ourselves (and yet despite our efforts, we still made a mistake). Thus, thank you if you can send your photos!
Yes, the above sketch that you don’t see, above, because we took it out, just in case that too was illegal.
Note: When we took classes to paint a Bigfoot image, the teacher asked that we change the concept by 20% before selling it as our own. Nice of her to tell us.
Paint and Wine Corvallis – Corvallis
Here is a photo of the immediate area of this museum.

Georgia, July 21, 2020; photo, property of the Walker Family.
Since this happened, we have noticed how it is legal for You Tubers to use Hollywood movie clips. That sounds worse than what we did, but it legal? We will try to research that.