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This is actually two theories. The theory that the Creature seen that day was real, or not real.
We choose to call this The “Patty Was A Real Bigfoot” Theory, because that is much more upbeat, but also it seems mean to go the other way with it.
Note: the people that believe, seem sincere. The people that don’t believe act like they have rehearsed and seem irritable. This observation means a lot to us.
A lot of fakey “bull” in 2020 and 2021 has given us practice at seeing what a lie looks like. The liar at some point over-plays their hand.
As far as we are concerned, you believe an earnest reporter of a sighting like this. For those that go to heaven, you will know the truth at that time. For those that don’t, well it won’t matter much at that point.
Case in point, we introduce Bob Heironimus. Liars come across a certain way. We don’t care if you can pass a lie detector test. Their is a way to pass without telling the truth.
If this Bob is telling the truth he has some issues:
Telling the truth should seem genuine.
Throwing Bob Gimlin under the bus is a bad look. One of the best humans on earth as far as being genuine. That is a tough match-up.
Many people have claimed to have been the person in that Bigfoot moment. This is another strike against this Bob.
Remember, the concept of Disinformation? Yes, disinformation is for real. You, know, putting doubt in people’s minds about something being real.
It is more likely that this Bob was paid to lie. There seems to be a cohort of individuals looking to change perception about Bigfoot Creatures.
See our entry in the Bluff Creek page:
Update: July 2021
We have been thinking a lot about things…
In the movie mentioned above, Willow Creek, are mysterious characters that threaten violence to protect the Bigfoot Creatures in the Bluff Creek area from being found…
Bob Heironimus, who claims to have been hired to be in the Bigfoot home-made costume, but shoots holes in his own story and comes across sounding like a liar. A disinformation program to keep people from believing in Bigfoot Creatures?
In both cases, the movie and Bob Heironimus, showing people in desperation trying to hide the truth? That would be a good story.
Ok, what if this Bob is telling the truth? Well, he isn’t very good at sharing this truth. He comes across like a Rat. Sorry Bob H.
Cliff Barackman, Bigfoot researcher, is a skeptic of people who share Bigfoot tales, and he doesn’t even believe this Bob. We could share more names, but we know Cliff a little, so we will stop there. Thanks Cliff.
This Bob has changed parts of his story a few times, which is damning. Let’s look at some of the info:
The PG (Patterson Gimlin) Film – Bob H.
Hulu: Sasquatch – interviews Bob H. and Bob Gimlin
Sasquatch Chronicles – Question: Where is the suit?

Gorilla Costume; Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay.
Gorilla Costume; Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay.