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In our section for those in Oregon that bring us information for Bigfoot themed locations, we introduce a new contact that we will call Bart, or Bart’s Research.

He already brings us many leads. See below.

You Tube Recommendations:

Checkout Pacwest Bigfoot on YouTube, this guy tries to post up to date first person Bigfoot encounters in the Northwest.

Also checkout Dixie Crytpid on YouTube, this gentleman does the same first person Bigfoot Encounters.

Another interesting youtube web site is Missing 411, a retired police Detective Dave Paulides tracks Missing Hikers, Hunters, Campers and Travelers going back 70 years to Present, over 10,000 people disappear every year in the USA

These are great recommendations.

We have two of them in Bigfoot Eruption, see below. Now we know to get Dixie Cryptid represented in Bigfoot Eruption. Bart’s Research has also brought us help with our Highway 22 Bigfoot page:

Pacwest Bigfoot

Davide Paulides (Missing 411)

Oregon/Statues/Highway 22 Bigfoot

More to come from Bart’s Research team.

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Covid Masked Bigfoot, Mill City, Oregon, June 24, 2020; property of Bart’s Research.

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