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Jeff Johnson of Hayden Homes, Albany, Oregon tipped us off today to an amazing Bigfoot blog.

Bigfoot Blogger Niche

Also, the blog creator is an expert at training others to boost their website hits. His name, David Boozer. The more that Jeff talked, it hit me that I had come across this in my research somewhere. When Jeff mentioned, then we knew, this David Boozer is a big deal. His website of documenting other peoples Bigfoot encounters is a work of art.

Also, the Facebook page is very impressive. If you want him to help you with making your website or visibility increased, this is your guy.

He has a picture in his Facebook where he is standing next to Bob Gimlin. Wow, are you kidding me?

Facebook: Pac West

Bigfoot Eruption has sent David Boozer an Instant Message.

He hunts for Bigfoot encounters. We hunt for Bigfoot stores.

Jeff Johnson said that David Boozer lives in Roseburg, Oregon and we thought that was cool. You can get to a lot of Squatchy places from there.


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