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Bandcamp/Noctis Cithara – Face Your Destiny – Album
Noctis (Latin): One; singular…
Cithara (Greek): An ancient Greek stringed instrument…
Jered Caywood is a dabbler:
Monster Surf Beach Party (Instrumental Surfing Rock)
Lagoon of Obscurity (Instrumental Swamp Rock)
And now, Face Your Destiny (Instrumental Heavy Metal Rock)
You can find it at Bandcamp/Noctis Cithara (Jered Caywood)
Jered says he needed a band name that fit a Heavy Metal Album.
Go to his Bandcamp site, and follow Jered, and you will be notified as each new song is added.
Pick up the first track, Winter Odyssey, for $1 each.
Pick up the second track, Sound the Alarm, for $1 each.
Pick up the third track, Through the Muck and the Mire, for $1 each.
Bandcamp/Noctis Cithara (Jered Caywood)
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