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(503) 623-3057
Bigfoot Christmas Trees, 12120 Clow Corner Rd, Dallas, OR 97338
Facebook: Bigfoot Christmas Trees
Bigfoot Eruption sent a team to the Bigfoot Christmas Tree Farm, Dallas, Oregon, to document for the 2018 season. Two big banners mark the entrance out by the main road, and then you drive up this forest road. Near the top of the hill you enter into an oasis suited for the Christmas tree customer.
We parked and walked to the small village where we gathered with customers huddled around an amazing stone and concrete camp fire. We then met Cody, and Rod right away; member of this family business.
Rod shared that they have many different kinds of trees. You tell them the size and type, and thye will drive you to that part of the farm where you can cut the tree, or have them cut it. They then drive you have where they trim and bag the tree for you. Next you can consider buying other items, like honey. They have hundered of hives.
You can shop for home-made wreaths, also made by the family.
Complimentary cookies, coffee, hot chocolate, and hot water; over by this guy…
History: 2017
Tiffany Smith, Adair Village Oregon, shared with us about her experience at this Christmas tree farm (2017). The trees are small (and big), as expected, so as to fit in your home, and a large Bigfoot is there to get pictures with. Not to worry it is made of wood. refreshments are also provided. Thank you, Tiffany!
This next Christmas season (2018) she will take photos to share with us and this page will really erupt! Thanks, Tiffany for the information, and welcome to the Eruption!
“Contact Us” if you visit this location. Sounds pretty Squatchy.
Curious Note: Dallas, Oregon use to have a Bigfoot restaurant. At least it had a large Bigfoot carving out front. If anyone knows what happened, please share the story.