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11720 West White Road, Spokane, Washington 99224

Facebook: Way Out West

As you can see in the mirror, all the data on this location was written down on an arm; thus, limited information is available at this time. We are piecing it together, now with the correct name, and now Facebook address. You can see it from Highway 90, headed West or East, just about a few miles before Spokane.

Way Out West Antiques, Spokane, Washington; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

This was once a popular antique store off of Division and Ruby past downtown Spokane, but the owner said he moved out west of town. As you can see all the big pieces are outside.

The reason it got our attention…

Out West Antiques, Spokane, Washington; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

But there is more…

Way Out West Antiques, Spokane, Washington; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

And more…

Way Out West Antiques, Spokane, Washington; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption.

But, check out their Facebook, for some very amazing pictures of what they are capable of. Check out the army of giant ants!

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