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El Pombero is from Paraguay but will begin its journey in Bigfoot Eruption under the South America because it is also in lore from South Brazil, and Argentia.
El Pombero: South America’s Surprisingly Likely Bigfoot-Cousin – Bob Gymlan – YouTube
El Pombero Leyenda paraguaya 3 – YouTube
Bigfoot Eruption Idea: Mass versions of Ape/Humans happened due to the DNA mixology of the Fallen Angels?
Science Idea: Can’t even wrap our head around pockets of Evolutionary branches.
Strategy Idea: By including the Pombero, we allow another region of the world to feel a part of the Bigfoot Eruption Experience.
In other words, not the stereotypical Bigfoot, but we do like how Bob Gymlin calls it a cousin, and thus, the consideration of why Bigfoot would have distant variations.
Paraguay; image by aranha | Pixabay.